Eve Tetaz

Eve Tetaz, 78, is a retired Washington, D.C. public-school teacher and a peace and justice activist. Tetaz was arrested 11 times in 2007 for nonviolent civil resistance during protests against the war and occupation of Iraq. [1] She has been arrested approximately a dozen times between 2008 and early 2010.

Tetaz was one of 16 anti-torture protesters who were arrested for a protest on October 17, 2006 in front of the White House. The arrests occurred the same day President George W. Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

On November 2, 2007 Tetaz was sentenced to seven days in the D.C. Jail after pleading no contest to two counts of failure to obey a lawful order and one count of unlawful assembly incommoding. In her sentencing statement, she said she would continue to speak out against the war and occupation of Iraq.

Tetaz continues to engage in nonviolent direct action in 2008, including the January 11th "Shut Down Guantanamo Day" action at the U.S. Supreme Court. On that day 82 activists were arrested inside and outside of the Supreme Court, demanding that the U.S. government close the Guantanamo prison and immediately bring all prisoners before a court of law.[2]

In another nonviolent direct action, a week before the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, Tetaz and 9 others spoke out from the Senate gallery while the legislative body was in session. They represented ghosts of individuals killed in the war and military occupation, and called on the Senate to cease its funding. [3] They have been charged with Disrupting Congress.

On April 9, 2009 Tetaz joined 13 other peace activists, including Kathy Kelly with Voices for Creative Nonviolence and Louie Vitale of Pace Bene, in protesting the military's use of unmanned drone bombers. The group was arrested at Creech U.S. Air Force Base in Nevada as they attempted to meet with personnel who operate the drone bombers.[4]

Tetaz has been involved with several peace and justice groups, such as Code Pink and National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance.

In March 2010, following Tetaz's longest jail sentence to date, she explained her personal beliefs and why she will continue to protest against war and "crimes against the entire human family" in a letter to the editor of The Washington Post. [5]

Other Sentences and Appeals

In November 2007, Tetaz completed approximately a week in jail for a number of nonviolent protests earlier in the year. This included a Mother's Day march from the White House to Capitol Hill, which featured anti-war activist and Gold Star mother, Cindy Sheehan. [6]

At the end of May 2008, Eve was sentenced to five days in D.C. Jail after being found guilty by Judge Wendell Gardner of breaking the law on January 11th of the same year. She also received unsupervised probation and a stay away order from the Supreme Court for a year. [7]

On April 2, 2009, there were oral arguments before the D.C. Court of Appeals regarding Eve's September 2006 arrest in case no. 07-CT-140+, Eve L. Tetaz, et al. v. District of Columbia. The oral argument was available for video internet streaming.[8]

In October 2009, Tetaz was on trial with co-defendants Ellen Barfield, Steve Mihalis, and Pete Perry. The four peace and justice activists were charged with Disruption of Congress after protesting during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. [9] On January 25, 2010, Tetaz was sentenced by Judge Lynn Leibovitz to 25 days in jail after being convicted in the trial related to the Senate Foreign Relations hearing action. [10]


  1. ^ Common Dreams Senior Woman Protesting War Faces Jail Time Common Dreams (June 28, 2007)
  2. ^ The Washington Post Activists pose as Guantanamo Prisoners (January 13, 2008)
  3. ^ York Daily Record Pa. Men among 10 arrested in Senate Gallery (March 14, 2008)
  4. ^ Democracy Now, Peace Activists Arrested After Protesting Drones in Nevada (April 14, 2009)
  5. ^ The Washington Post, War Abroad and Violence at Home (March 10, 2010)
  6. ^ WarIsACrime.org Those Who Have Put Their Bodies Behind The Goal a Majority of Us Share (January 2, 2008)
  7. ^ Catholic News Service Eleven activists sent to jail for demonstrating at U.S. Supreme Court (May 30, 2008)
  8. ^ DC Court of Appeals DC Court of Appeals calendars (March 20, 2009)
  9. ^ Anti-War Activists Confront Foreign Relations Committee, Demand No More Taxpayer 'Blood Money' (May 21, 2009)
  10. ^ The Washington Post, For war protester Eve Tetaz, 78 is hardly the time to retire (January 26, 2010)

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